Project3 takes a hands on approach to Business Development. You want growth and our expertise, desire and approach can get you it.
We assess a companies current route to market and find solutions to improve and expand this.
We thrive on identifying and introducing our clients to new customers or revenue streams.
We have excellent client facing skills and will be happy to represent your organisation as one of your team, at meetings, pitches and networking events. It isn’t for everyone,but we love Business Development.
Our experience in marketing is varied. Project3 can build online campaigns, traditional campaigns, email marketing, and print media.
With our assistance companies we have worked with have been featured in the national press, won awards even been on the telly.
We have built brands from scratch and worked with existing companies to successfully re-brand them.
We work with you to identify the best marketing strategies for your business.
A clear and defined strategy for company growth is crucial.
We want to delve deep into your companies performance, strengths, weakness’s and culture. Your current market position and where you aspire to be.
Once we have this information we can prepare a targeted strategy of how we get you there. We create short sharp strategies, that can be and will be achieved. The best strategy by far is, help us grow our knowledge of your business, so we can help your business grow.