Working from home - The Do's and Dont's.
With many of us being forced to work from home we thought we would put together are our do's and dont’s to making yourself as productive as possible.
1. Do - Get up, shower, get dressed and stick to a normal routine.
Don't - Work in your pj's, lose your regular morning routine.
2. Do - clear a clean space to utilize as your working environment, sit at a table or a desk.
Don't - Work on the sofa, with the TV on in the back ground.
3. Do - set yourself a clear working day, keep your lunch hour and know when to finish your day.
Don't - Leave all your work until the end of the day and rush through it. Don't take additional tea breaks or become distracted by the comforts at home.
4. Do - Maintain contact with your work relationships, colleagues, customers, suppliers etc. It's good to talk.
Don't - Use working from home as an excuse to drop off the radar.
5. Do - Keep you focus on work, if you have background noise, kids at home etc put some music on, stick in your headphones and keep working.
Don't - Become distracted by whats going on at home, kids, TV, Radio and home visitors.